Initially after briefly looking at guerilla styled marketing and the adverts on phone boxes I wanted to look into recycling and try to convey a message about trying to reuse/ rethink some of the items we have an abundence of but never think about using again.
After looking at phone boxes in general and history that surrounds them I started trying to think of ways I could recycle the use of the phone box as they are virtually redundant as people have mobile phones as a means of communication. I came across many ways in which people have rethought the space and here are a few examples.
There were alot of examples of people reusing the space within phone boxes especially the older K6 red telephone boxes, as they are viewed as being pieces of iconic british street architecture and many people believe they should be retained and restored and remain on British on streets. I began to think of ways in which I could reuse phone boxes on a larger scale, something that would be viable in any town or city. Following this I looked into the rise of kiosk businesses in the States and thought maybe the phone boxes could be used for a small business or information boxes; for example an extension of the tourist information in town centres but again the majority of mobile phones have internet access so people can get that information themselves if need be. I looked at a few different types of phone boxes in different areas.
After looking at the different phone boxes I began to think about what infotrmation I wanted to convey and what would be relavent or related to a particular area whether it be history, facts or trivia. Of the areas I looked at phone boxes in I selected three and gathered information relavent or loosely related to the area; for the phone box on church lane I gathered information on Aston Villa football club as it was near by, for the city centre I Iooked into the history of the city of and facts about Birmingham and for Bournville I gathered trivia relating to alcohol due the fact that alcohol consumption is prohibeted in the area and there is currently alot of information related to the area displayed within Bournville. After thinking about the different types of phone box I decided to concentrate on using the k6 phonebox because they are viewed as being iconically British and are probably more likely to remain longer on the streets. And so I decided put up the information I had gathered in one of the K6 phone boxes in Bournville. I thought about displaying the information in poster format, or on postcards, or leaflets but I decided the best way to display the information would be on small cards that would fit into the slats on the phone boxes.
I then measured the slats and decided on a font and colour for the cards. I decided to use Times new roman as it was the most similar font to the one currently used on phone box signage and I decided to use a purple background in keeping with cadburys with white writing as I felt it stood out and was easily visable.
Overall I felt the work I produced came out reasonably well but the finish could have been better presented with better photographs and more time taken with mounting work etc.
I think in order for my work to improve I need to be more decisive and do more experimental pieces and also ask for help when needed.